Health prevention: recommendation for physical exercise at home


The importance of working out during the coronavirus pandemic

 Whatever your age, the pandemic should not stop you from moving and walking. The benefits of sport on the body as well as on the morale need no longer to be proven nowadays. Whereas working out is an almost daily habit for many, it can seem difficult to undertake for older people. The desire for and most probably the lack of knowledge of suitable exercises are the main reasons for this prolonged sedentary lifestyle. It is nonetheless enough to take just 30 minutes a day to see positive results on your general health, the alleviation of your aches and pains and the improvement of your flexibility.

Some simple exercises suggested by our therapists specialized in sport and health.

To avoid a sedentary lifestyle as of the age of 70, our therapists specialised in sport and health now recommend a series of exercises to improve your physical condition. To be done every day by varying the different exercises to strengthen the muscles and maintain a certain flexibility.

To be supplemented without reserve by a walk outdoors ;-)

Click on the video below to follow your new daily routine step by step:

Episode 1

Episode 2

Episode 3